Description of communication situationI'll be using the same advertisement from Pizza Hut that features their latest product, the "Cheesy 7 X'Mas Edition" Pizza: Analysis of communication situationViewing this ad through the lens of media as culture requires an understanding of fast-food culture, the ideologies behind it, and how they apply to this Pizza Hut ad (Pizza Hut organization).
Media As Texts
undefined undefined, undefined
Media As Texts
Description of communication situationI'll be using the same advertisement from Pizza Hut that features their latest product, the "Cheesy 7 X'Mas Edition" Pizza: Analysis of communication situationViewing this ad through the lens of media as texts requires an understanding of Semiotics, the study of signs and meaning. Semiotics In Ferdinand de Saussure's theory of structuralism (Saussure, 1916 –
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Media As Instruments
undefined undefined, undefined
Media As Instruments
Description of selected communication situationI've selected an advertisement from Pizza Hut that features their latest product, the "Cheesy 7 X'Mas Edition" Pizza. I've uploaded a picture of the ad here: Analysis of selected communication situationViewing this ad through the lens of media as instruments requires an understanding of how media works as a process. The Process Model In
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