Defamation Defences

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Defamation Defences

Defamation Defences Defamation Defences: 7 Defences available to Defendant 1. Justification or Truth – Must show facts!      a. Defendant must prove truth of statement – Not Easy!      b. These are not valid defences:           i. Honest belief in Statement           ii. Honest belief in Source           iii. Honest belief in Circumstance 2. Fair Comment – The

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Defamation Criteria

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Defamation Criteria

Defamation Criteria What is Defamation? - Defamation damages a person’s reputation. 2 Forms: Libel (Permanent Form) – Print, Film, Video, Audio, Picture, Internet, Email Slander (Transient Form) – Oral, Gesture, Style of Delivery, Tone, Body Language Special Damage Rule for Slander: Monetary Loss, not hurt feelings, except imputing criminal offence, disease, adultery, professionalism Defamation Criteria: 3 Elements –

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Word Riddle

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Word Riddle

Word Riddle What is a word made up of 4 letters, yet is also made up of 3. Although is written with 8 letters, and then with 4. Rarely consists of 6, and never is written with 5? What, Yet, Although, Then, Rarely, Never  Lol... .....

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