Insane True Crime Stories
In case anyone doubted we live in a truly strange world, here are 3 real-life, true crime stories, so strange, they could be filmed and made into movies.
Grandmother Soothes Burglar To Sleep
Through prayer, milk and a banana, a 73-year-old Lafayette grandmother soothed a robber to sleep, according to Lafayette police.
The elderly woman did not recognize Juan Garcia Vasquez on the night he allegedly broke into her home intending to steal money or jewelry, although investigators later learned that he had done some landscaping once at her home and admitted to "returning to the house on a couple of other occasions," Lafayette Police Detective Paul Zill said today.
Vasquez first tried to enter the woman's home through a window around 1 a.m. Saturday but the glass broke, which woke up the woman, according to Zill.
"She then did something she probably shouldn't have, and that is when something bizarre is going on in the middle of the night, don't open the front door," Zill said.
As soon as she did, Vasquez grabbed her and put a cloth over her mouth to muffle her screams, according to authorities.
The two eventually calmed each other down and sat on the couch. But as soon as they did, Vasquez's stomach growled and as most grandmothers would, she promptly stood up, went to the kitchen and got her guest something to eat, Zill said.
She offered him eggs, but according to Zill, the burglar wanted a banana and a glass of milk instead.
"He didn't speak English that well and she didn't speak Spanish so they used the international language of pointing and nodding," Zill said.
The woman then pulled out some pictures of Saint Theresa and a church nametag and prayed next to him, hoping he was religious. She also showed him pictures of her grandchildren and shared stories about them, according to police.
Eventually, Vasquez needed to use the restroom. Demonstrating that manners must never be forgotten, even during a home invasion, when he returned from the facilities, Vasquez thoughtfully communicated to the woman that he had used the last of the toilet paper, Zill said.
He then sat back down, and promptly fell asleep.
When she was sure her assailant was completely out, she fled to the bathroom and barricaded the door. She had a cordless phone with her that she had grabbed and hidden when her assailant was in the restroom, according to Zill.
Since Vasquez had asked her earlier not to talk the police, she complied with his wishes and called her daughter instead of police, Zill said.
Her daughter called the police around 2:45 a.m. and they arrived a short time later to find Vasquez walking down the hallway near the bathroom, authorities said.
Vasquez was taken into custody without incident. Prosecutors charged him Wednesday with burglary, false imprisonment of an elder, with an enhancement for battery committed against a person known to be an elder, according to court documents.
The woman was relatively unscathed, suffering only minor injuries when the man first grabbed her to muffle her screams, according to police.
"She did do what she needed to do to survive," Zill said.
Thieves Flee Upon Seeing Owner's Picture
Masked burglars abandoned a robbery after discovering the home they had targeted in southern Spain belonged to Dolph Lundgren, the action hero who played opposite Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV.
A team of armed robbers broke into the star's villa on the Costa del Sol, tied up his wife, who was home alone, and terrorised her into handing over cash and jewellery.
But they cut short their raid on the luxury property in the hills above Marbella after recognising the actor in a family photograph in one of the bedrooms.
A source told Spanish media: "Things might have turned out very differently if Dolph had been at home.
"The criminals fled as soon as they realised the owner of the house they had raided was someone they wouldn't want to come up against in a fight."
The Swedish actor, who is 6ft 5in tall and has a black belt in Karate, rose to fame with his role as Russian boxer Ivan Drago in the fourth of the Rocky films.
He has since starred in more than 40 films and still trains up to six days a week at his local gym. The 51-year-old recently took part in a six-round exhibition fight against a Russian wrestler in Moscow.
Mr Ludgren, who has been married to jewellery designer Anette Qviberg for 15 years, and has two children, has stepped up security at his home following the raid last week.
Muggers Outnumbered Two to Six
Six muggers picked the wrong targets - two karate experts.
New Zealander Craig Nordstrand, a fourth-level black belt, and colleague Peter Roche were in Suva, capital city of the Pacific island of Fiji (search), last week for regional championships, reports the New Zealand Herald.
The two of them had just finished dinner and were walking back to their hotel when two men came toward them, asking for money. Four more men stepped out of the shadows.
Nordstrand took on four of the men. Roche handled the other two. The attackers backed off, but then surrounded the two New Zealanders for a second try.
"Do you want karate?" Nordstrand asked.
One man failed to heed the warning and moved in.
"I kicked him straight under the chin and into the throat," Nordstrand told the newspaper.
The struck man and the rest of the gang ran off into the dark streets. Nordstrand and Roche became local heroes for a few days.
Ivan Teh - RunningMan
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