Borshch Steakhouse

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Borshch Steakhouse

Borshch Steakhouse 58 Serangoon Gardens Way Hainanese Russian Food (Ratings: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 = Worst and 10 = Best)Overall: 5Ambience & Setting: 5 Food & Beverage: 6 Service: 4Value for Money: 6Spent about $15 per person. ..... Eating at Borshch Steakhouse is a bit hit-and-miss. Go in with the wrong expectations, and

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Oriental House (Myanmar Chinese Cusine Restaurant)

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Oriental House (Myanmar Chinese Cusine Restaurant)

Oriental House (Myanmar Chinese Cusine Restaurant) 159 Rochor Road 111 North Bridge Road   #B1-07 Peninsula Plaza Fusion Of Asian Dishes (Ratings: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 = Worst and 10 = Best)Overall: 7Ambience & Setting: 6 Food & Beverage: 7 Service: 6Value for Money: 8Spent about $8 per person. ..... I've had the

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Not So Innocent Yet Innocent

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Not So Innocent Yet Innocent

A first-grade teacher, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked the boy, "What is your problem?" The boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third-grade too!" The teacher had enough. She took the boy

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undefined undefined, undefined Source Image Credit: Cracked T-Shirt Winning Designs 2013 Recently been reading the articles on Here are some of my favourite Stand-Alone articles: 5 Actors Who Do the Exact Same Thing in Every Movie: 5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted: 5 Idiotic Misconceptions About Calling Customer Service: 5 Logical

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13th Month Bonus In Singapore

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13th Month Bonus In Singapore

13th Month Bonus In Singapore We've long since known that the 13th Month Bonus isn't a good idea. This author's post explains why the 13th Month Bonus in Singapore doesn't work. .....

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The Founding Of Honda

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The Founding Of Honda

The Founding Of Honda In the late 1930s, Soichiro Honda built a small workshop while still in school. His dream was to create a fuel efficient and affordable engine for the masses.  Working day and night, he often slept in his workshop, and even neglected his wife. Because he didn’t have much money, he had to pawn his

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The Six Levels Of Customer Service

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The Six Levels Of Customer Service

The Six Levels Of Customer Service How to beat your competitors to the next rung of great service. Source:  Last month I met a client in Indonesia. We went to lunch at a nearby mall where music poured into the public area from every shop. Just as we passed one storefront, the music stopped and the shopkeeper

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Insane True Crime Stories

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Insane True Crime Stories

Insane True Crime Stories In case anyone doubted we live in a truly strange world, here are 3 real-life, true crime stories, so strange, they could be filmed and made into movies.  ..... Grandmother Soothes Burglar To Sleep 15-Jul-2004 Source: Through prayer, milk and a banana, a 73-year-old Lafayette grandmother soothed a robber to sleep, according to

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Advertising Ad - Any paid form of non-personal communication to the public about a brand, an organization, product, service or idea  An advertising campaign consists of coordinated (series) messages in a variety of media that center on a single theme across a time frame. Integrated communications = multi-platform campaign.  Advertising helps position the product, by creating brand image

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Branding Definition of Brand: - A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of them - Identifies the goods of a seller - Differentiates the seller from others - Represents everything that a product or service means to customers, and how they perceive it – Philip Kotler Brand Equity: The preference of a customer towards the brand;

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