Bonding Kitchen 277 Orchard Road #02-18 Orchard Gateway Kacang Botol Kerabu (SGD $16)
Hans Im Glück
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Hans Im Glück
Hans Im Glück 362 Orchard Road 9 Raffles Place #01-01 Republic Plaza 1 Harbourfront Walk #01-57 VivoCity 71 Boat Quay Grünes Gold With Multigrain Bun, Sauteed Button Mushrooms (SGD $20)
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Joyden Canton Kitchen
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Joyden Canton Kitchen
Joyden Canton Kitchen 4 Hillview Rise #02-21 HillV2 Moonlight Rice Vermicelli With Egg White And Scallops (SGD $18)
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Qin Restaurant
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Qin Restaurant
Qin Restaurant 10 Cross Street Level 5, The Clan Hotel Childhood Memories Textures Of Milo (SGD $18)
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The Clan Hotel
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The Clan Hotel
The Clan Hotel 10 Cross Street Modern Luxury, Nostalgic Experiences (Ratings: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 = Worst and 10 = Best) Overall: 9 Visited: Apr-2021 Ambience & Setting: 9 Food & Beverage: 9 Service: 9 Value for Money: 9 Budget about SGD $700 per person. - $600 Accomodation 5D4N - $100 Room
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SOCIEATY By Les Amis Group
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SOCIEATY By Les Amis Group
SOCIEATY By Les Amis Group 1 Farrer Park Station Road #01-01A One Farrer Hotel Mixed Pizza Half-And-Half (SGD $26 Large)
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Easter 2021
Tarte By Cheryl Koh
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Tarte By Cheryl Koh
Tarte By Cheryl Koh 1 Scotts Road #02-05 Shaw Centre 252 North Bridge Road #B1-46 Raffles City Range Of Tarts, Source Credits: Tarte By Cheryl Koh
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Good Friday 2021
Can You Lick The Science?
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Can You Lick The Science?
Can You Lick The Science? Source Credits: Reddit Thread, by snowysauropteryx, seananmcguire, whisperwhisk, carpebutts, spooky-son-of-rome, small-home-repair-vikings, swordwall, tinysquidrachel, thesketcherlass, logicalchocolate, kosherkitties, secretlyapineapple
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