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IDK, LY & TTYL My mother texted me: 'What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?'  I answered: 'I don't know, love you, talk to you later.'  Mother: 'Ok, I'll ask your sister'.  .....

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Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Relatively new field Definition of Social Media Marketing: Creation of content that attracts attention and encourages audiences to participate and share it with their social networks. Social Media Marketing is powerful, as a corporate message can spread from user to user, because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the

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The Starfish Story

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The Starfish Story

The Starfish Story
The Starfish Story The Young Person wandered the beach, lost in thoughts. Ahead lay a strange sight – millions of starfish washed up on the sand. They stretched as far as the eye could see. The Young Person couldn’t help but be impressed. A little further on was a figure bent over the beach. The figure was an

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The Horse And Donkey Story

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The Horse And Donkey Story

The Horse And Donkey Story
The Horse And Donkey Story A story was told of a farmer, who owned a Horse, and a Donkey. One day, the farmer had to travel to the city, but he could only bring one of the animals with him. The other would have to stay and grind mill for that day. The Donkey said to the Horse:

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Survey Results: Using Groupon

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Survey Results: Using Groupon

Survey Results: Using Groupon We did a survey of Groupon users, here are the results:  Awareness of Groupon Types of Groupons Consumers Will Buy How Often Consumers Purchase Groupons Reasons For Using Groupon Without Groupon, Would Consumers Still Purchase Chosen Item Groupon Refunds .....

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Marketing Online

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Marketing Online

Marketing Online  4 ways of marketing online / through new media: Banner Ads Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) Online Classified Advertising Paid Search Advertisements Banner Ads - Ads on sites with similar content are 61% more likely to be remembered. - Social Networking, Shopping and Food sites generated the highest recall levels of 29% to 39%. - Search and

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New Media And Social Media

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New Media And Social Media

New Media And Social Media
New Media And Social Media Definition of New Media: Broad term covering the different forms of electronic communication made possible through computer technology. On-Demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device. Content production can be done in real time. Interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Difference between New Media and

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Media Effect Theories

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Media Effect Theories

Media Effect Theories 3 Types: Strong Effect, Limited Effect, Varying Effect. Strong Effect: 1. Hypodermic Needle / Magic Bullet Model 2. Cultivation Theory  Limited Effect: 3. Two-Step Flow / Multi-Step Flow Model 4. Selectivity Theory  Varying Effect: 5. Agenda Setting Theory 6. Media Determinism Theory 7. Uses And Gratifications Theory Media effect study is a relatively young field.

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Consumer Attitudes

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Consumer Attitudes

Consumer Attitudes
Consumer Attitudes  Attitude: A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.  The "Object" could be a category, brand, model, etc.  Attitudes are learned / influenced by:  - Personality, Knowledge, Beliefs - Family / Friends (Word of Mouth Advertising) - Personal Experience (Samples, Trials) - Mass Media (Ads, News,

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